Table of Contents >> Section III: Using File Scavenger

Files are displayed in either List View or Tree View. In List View, files can be sorted by Filename, Type, Folder, Volume, Status, Size or Modified Date.

Volume: The volume this file is determined to belong to.

Status: After searching, the status can be Good or Poor, indicating whether the corresponding file is more or less likely to be recovered successfully. If the status cannot be determined, it will be left blank. A blank status does not mean the file is unrecoverable or unlikely to be recovered.

After recovery, the status can change to the following:

  • Recovered: The file was recovered.However, there is no guarantee the contents of the recovered file are still intact. You need to open the file to validate it.
  • Failed: The file was not recovered because of an error displayed in a separate error window.
  • Skipped: The file was skipped based on the selected Overwrite Mode. An empty file is also skipped if the filename already exists.
Size: The size of the file. The exact number of bytes is displayed inside the parentheses.

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