Table of Contents >> Section III: Using File Scavenger®

Chapter 5: Installing File Scavenger®

When you are ready to purchase a license, do not launch an Internet browser on the subject computer because the browser may create new files on the subject drive, thus reducing the chances of a successful recovery. Instead, click Help, Licenses, Personal-Use License to display the Registration Code. Write it down and use another computer to purchase a license. Call us (see “Appendix A: Contact & Technical Support”) to purchase a license over the phone if necessary.

Direct Installation

Under this procedure, File Scavenger® is downloaded and installed directly on the subject computer.

Warning: If you are recovering files from a system drive (see “Chapter 2: Data or System Drive?”), a direct installation will reduce the chances of success. See “The risk of direct installation” later in this chapter for a quantitative analysis.

Installation from

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