Table of Contents >> Section III: Using File Scavenger

Volume or Partition Affiliation

Options → Recover → Volume or Partition Affiliation

See also “Volume Affiliation” in Chapter 7.

It seldom happens, but if File Scavenger® cannot determine (or incorrectly determines) the volume a file belongs to, you will receive an error such as “The file above does not belong to any known volume.” You may need to click the middle radio button and select what you think is the correct volume. If the volume size has changed, also check the option Overriding volume size. Use the default Overriding size if you do not know what it was.

The procedure above will work in the following scenario. Drive C was 100 GB. A file was stored near the end of the drive. Drive C was reformatted and reduced to 50 GB. A Long Search on drive C may find the file because the file index entry may lie within the new boundary of drive C and still be intact. However, the data lies beyond the end of the new drive C and will not be recovered. You must choose to affiliate the file with volume C and override the volume size with the default maximum value.

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