Table of Contents >> Section III: Using File Scavenger

Chapter 7: Using Other File Scavenger® Features

During recovery File Scavenger® reconstructs original files in memory and copies them to the destination folder. The filename may already exist in the destination folder for many reasons such as the following:

  • A file with an identical name and folder path was recovered earlier.
  • The destination folder is not empty, and a file with an identical name already exists. (You should always use an empty folder as the destination folder.)

This option tells File Scavenger® how to handle such conflicts.

Use the more recent file

By default, File Scavenger® will keep the more recent file, that is:
  • If the file to be recovered has a later date, it will replace the existing file.
  • If the file to be recovered is older, it will be skipped.
  • If the file to be recovered has the exact same date and time, it will be copied to the folder with a unique number suffix appended to the filename.
This mode is chosen as the default because the most recent version is usually what you need.

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